19 08, 2014

Next Event: Darrell Voss Quintet – September 6th


Darrell Voss Quintet - September 6th The San Luis Obispo County Jazz Federation is proud to present in concert the Darrell Voss Quintet on Saturday, September 6th at 7:30pm, featuring their own arrangements of jazz standards from the American songbook. This is the Jazz Federation's inaugural concert at the NEW home of Unity Hall located at [...]

Next Event: Darrell Voss Quintet – September 6th2017-02-06T21:38:58+00:00
29 04, 2013

Saturday Night Fever!


The 30th Piano Showacse Lineup! What a FAN-tastic night of music on Saturday! For those who missed it, the show was a sell-out with people standing in the aisles to hear every note! The night had everything: great music, a mystery guest, "the joke", "hot" and "cooler" moments (literally), and of course, CAKE! [...]

Saturday Night Fever!2017-02-06T21:38:59+00:00
8 03, 2013

Young Jazz Scholarship Concert This Sunday!


This years young jazz scholarship winners have been selected! Their award? I scholarship paying gig! We need music lovers and supporters of Jazz out in full force for this event! Please stop by, grab a cup of joe, and enjoy listening to the future of the art for a few hours! When: Sunday, March 10th, [...]

Young Jazz Scholarship Concert This Sunday!2017-02-06T21:38:59+00:00
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