Steel House high res cropped

The San Luis Obispo County Jazz Federation is proud to present the infectious music of Steel House on Saturday, December 6, 2014 at 8:00 PM (doors open at 7:30). The concert will be at Unity Concert Hall located at 1130 Orcutt Rd. in SLO.

Steel House features three world class instrumentalists with Edward Simon on piano, Scott Colley on bass and Brian Blade on drums.

Edward Simon, originally from Venezuela, has many recordings as a leader as well as playing with The SF Jazz Collective and Bobby Hutcherson. He is a 2010 Guggenheim Fellow.

Scott Colley has played with Herbie Hancock, Jim Hall and Michael Brecker and has collaborated on over 200 records.

Brian Blade is the long-time drummer with The Wayne Shorter Quartet as well as appearing on recordings by Joni Mitchell, Joshua Redman and Bob Dylan.

San Luis Obispo is one of only five west coast appearances the band will be making. You don’t want to miss Steel House.

Tickets are $25 general, $20 Jazz Federation members and $15 for students and are available at Boo Boo Records and Brown Paper Tickets.